Smutna wiadomość jak odchodzi nastepny z naszych kolegów.
Mariusz VE3PND zmarł w niedziele 24 Kwietnia 2022 w Ontario.
Na stronie jest to co napisal o sobie. ( prosze sobie przetłumaczyć – zmiana jezyka powyżej )
Everything goes back to a northern part of Poland, in the 60’s when, browsing through a stuff at a local scouts store I found a thin booklet with a listing of a Morse code. Shortly thereafter my first, homebrew straight keyer and buzzer made of a food can and doors buzzer were born and thats how it all started…. I wish I knew that this method was a total misunderstanding as one should always begin this “affair” with listening… Learning through listening that is… . I guess not just this one … . Anyway, needles to say, soon I found myself totally disilusioned and frustrated. And then I visited a Ham Radio exhibition organized by a local Chapter of PZK where I was fortunate to meet couple of real hams who somehow managed to talk me into coming back to our CW (SP1AAY , thank you !)… . Extensive SWLing on 7 Mc using a tube type broadcast receiver with a home brew, tube type external BFO just sitting on the top of the rx was a good start to develop a CW “selective ear”. Later, an operation of our local club station SP1PBU (with another broadcast type rx) under the watchfull eye of (sk) SP1CQN (Marek, thank You !) was something that I’ll never forget. First licensed in 1970 as SP1ETC I finally designed my first 40m CW tx with Hartley VFO, multipliers etc and EL83 in PA. Using a military surplus tube type receiver and a random piece of abt 50 m wire I called a SM station and he answered !!! – my first QSO on my own rig. What a feeling folks … . Next generations of CW transmitters followed including a “QRO” with a single 807 in PA that lasted for the longest time. As my only interest was in CW on 7 Mc, my first version of a home brew rx (12 tubes, xtal lattice filter) covered only the first 50 kHz of the 40 m with 3kc/turn… . One could hardly call it a beauty as it was a bare mechanical structure full of knobs and simple, pencil drawn dial but it worked and did it well providing a full QSK with my tx… Since the day one I enjoyed CW rag chewing and DXing. I used to know every single carrier and RTTY on 40 m along with some “beacons” like then-K3JH, W1PL, IT9AGA (Gius, I can still hear your beautiful, soft keying…) and many others. I was using a straight keyer and a simple, home made, solid state elbug. The elbug wasn’t very reliable (RF) which, along with my obsession with a mechanical bug (after listening to some of you, Old Timers, and after countless QSOs with Ru – then – CR7IZ ), resulted in a purchase of a brand new, original Vibroplex (what a beauty…) which I still use today along with my straight keyer and, at times, an elbug. I value our old, good Ham Spirit and our old, good CW (HSC # 1204) which has always been the nicest music to my ears (a good jazz, both old and new, bluess and The Beattles all take the second place). For my whole ham life I’ve been a keen Drake enthousiast and my HF station was a C-line with a small Dentron GLA1000B amp which fits nicely into the array of C-line “boxes” . Over the years I accumulated more Drakes such as R4 , 2B/2BQ, L4B, TR7A (line) . Then I’ve got a Collins “bug” , I must admit, resulting in acquisition of some Collins gear KWM-2A, S-line, 30L1, 30S-1 and some accessories. But after discovering that the KWM2(A) , as it is, is a write-off when it comes to CW I decided to modify it and it became a never ending project … . I just love the way it looks so will probably keep it … . Then I decided to upgrade my station a little and added FT1000D and FT1000MP to the collection as those are the last fully analog radios . And now I fell in love with Hallicrafters SR400 Cyclone …with its CW single crystal lattice filter… . A music … I love the warm tube, analog sound , especially on CW , and probably will never switch to the DSP stuff. Oh Well …. I’ve just added a K3 because it has full BK .. will see if I can get used to its sound … Since I love the full BK so recently I’ve added an Alpha 87A with its smooth and silent BK .. Need to stop this …
Bedzie nam go bardzo brakowało, składamy kondolencje dla rodziny i bliskich. W sprawie miejsca gdzie i kiedy bedzie pochowany, prosze o kontakt na naszej stronie w sekcji KONTAKT
Proszę wpisz się poniżej jesli chciałbyć sie podzielić znami myślą o Mariuszu.
Wspanialy kolega, krotkofalowiec…..Spotykalismy sie wiele razy na GTA Flea Markets i wielu innych okolicznosciach….Zawsze pelny zapalu i wiedzy radiowej…Gotowy pomagac innym.Jestem poruszony bardzo jego odejsciem!
Mariusz! Bedzie nam Ciebie bardzo brakowac.
Zalanczam glebokie wspolczucia zalu dla rodziny i najblizszych!