MALACHITE DSP – odbiornik KF na wszystkie pasma i modulacje.
Witam, w Internecie znalazłem ciekawe rozwiązanie – OPEN SOURCE dbiornika KF, i nie tylko bo idzie aż do 1GHz, z ekranem dotykowym, i tylko 2 pokrętłami. Możesz kupić płytke za 17 USD albo całe złożone urzadzenie za okolo $195 USD które zmieścisz w kieszeni. Oto troche wiecej informacji po angielsku oraz link do Youtube ( video poniżej – musisz zobaczyć przypomni ci sie język Rosyjski ) z video jak Malahit DSP działa.
The release of a new Russian designed and made portable software defined radio called the “Malachite-DSP”. The Malachite-DSP is an “all-in-one” portable SDR that is controlled via a touch screen and two control knobs. It covers 0.1 MHz to 1000 MHz with a bandwidth of up to 160 kHz, and the custom software supports all common modulation types. The whole device consumes 300mA and is powered by a Li-ion cell. It’s marketed as a modern DEGEN and TECSUN replacement, so it appears to be targeting the HF short wave listening (SWL) customer.
The project authors are RX9CIM George, R6DAN Vladimir and R6DCY Vadim. It seems their goal was to design a low-cost portable SDR radio, using only easily obtainable components.
Technical Specifications
- 1 MHz to 1000 MHz.
- Bandwidth 160 kHz.
- Modulation types AM, WFM, NFM, LSB, USB.
- Powered by one Li-ion cell.
- Consumption up to 300 mA
- Main chip ARM STM32H743VIT6 MCU High-performance and DSP with DP-FPU, ARM Cortex-M7 MCU with 2MBytes Flash, 1MB RAM, 400 MHz CPU
- Printed circuit board is used four-layer, factory-made; for purchase, refer to RX9CIM. [email protected]
PCB only: ~ USD 17.22
Finished receiver delivered inside Russia: USD 195.65
From the components list we can see that this SDR runs on the MSI001 tuner chip, which is the same tuner chip used in the SDRplay line of units. However, unlike the SDRplay units which use a wideband MSi2500 ADC, the Malachite-DSP uses an audio chip as the RF ADC. This provides a 16-bit ADC, resulting in high dynamic range, but at the expense of the available bandwidth which is only 160 kHz. A STM32H743VIT6 with ARM Cortex A7 processor runs what appears to be custom DSP and GUI software. The software doesn’t seem to support DRM, but AM, WFM, NFM, LSB, USB are all supported.
The main place for news and discussion on the Malachite-DSP appears to be on a Russian ham radio forum thread. Judging by the fact that the schematic, software and BOM is all freely released, the project appears to be open source. There is also a group on the Russian Facebook clone where some discussion is occurring.