NOV 2 2019 – Fleamarket Markham, ONTARIO
juz za kilka dni w sobote odbedzie sie najwiekszy fleamarket Radioamatorski w Markham Ontario. Prosimy aby wszyscy z grupy sie pojawili na spotkaniu w Markham.
Wiecej informacji ponizej:
Sponsor: | York Region ARC |
Start date: | Saturday, November 2, 2019 |
End date: | Saturday, November 2, 2019 |
Closest town: | Markham, ON |
Directions to location: | Markham Fairgrounds, 10801 McCowan Rd, Markham, ON |
Opening times: | Vendors: 0630 General Public: Commencing at 07:30 a covered indoor area opens for the general public. Doors open to the sales area for the general public at 09:00. |
Cost: | $10:00 per person. Price of admission includes free coffee/tea/hot chocolate and a door prize ticket. Children 12 and under admitted free. |
Talk-in frequency: | VE3YRA 145.350 MHz (- offset) Tone: 103.5 Hz VE3YRC 147.225 MHz (+ offset) Tone: 103.5 Hz |
Description: | Vendors galore — Wide aisles for scooters and wheelchairs — Exhibits and demonstrations — Lots of parking — Great door prizes — Grand Prizes — DXCC, WAS & VUCC Card Checking — Refreshments — Examinations (register with Hamfest Co-ordinator prior to Hamfest to ensure we bring enough exams.) |
For more info: | Vendors: Go the following site and click on on the Vendor Table tab: |
Email contact: | [email protected] |
Webpage: | |
Date updated: | 2019-07-08 20:42:46 |
Author: | Geoffrey Smith VA3GS |