QCWA – Spotkanie, FLEX 6600
4-go Maja 2019 uczestniczylismy w spotkaniu lokalnego klubu – “Quarter Century Wireless Association” w Milton , Ontario.
Podczas spotkania odbyla sie prezentacja FLEX RADIO 6600 przez VE3TRQ Ted oraz demonstracja transmisji cyfrowych poprzez fale krótkie.
Cyfrowe radio: SDR ( Software Defined Radio).
Oto informacje w punktach ktore przekazał nam autor prezentacji.
Why use SDR for digital transmissions : Digital radio supressed noice, you dont have to use microphone to make QSO.
What you need for digital radio: RADIO + COMPUTER + USB – SOUND CARD, USB to SERIAL ADAPTER FTDI for SSTV and PSK31.
What OS ( Operating System can you use with digital transmissions? Software: for all OS’s Windows, Mac, Linux.
- HRV – Ham Radio Deluxe
- DX-Labs control radio and logging
- WSJTX with “Whisper” – Weak Signal Propagation Reporter – you can test your antenna by where are you getting heard.
- FT8 – TX time 1 minute for full QSO propagation 58Hz wide bandwidth
- FT4 – TX time 16 seconds QSO going to replacing RTTY in contesting.
- JT65 is not used any more for HF but used for EME transmission
- JT9 – 20Hz wide not used as much. FL – DIGI works on Raspberry PIE.
Website with all information is : http://sigid.wiki.com
Why Flex is good with decoding digital transmissions?
FLEX 6600 does not A/D convert signal from the antenna. Signal stays in digital domain and is not convered to analog and back.